Engineering for Humanity
We are a community of like-minded and committed volunteers who believe in everyone's right to a sustainable future. We mobilize our engineering expertise to power innovative solutions and solve challenges related to inequality and global development in Sweden and around the world. Through humanitarian engineering, we engage, inspire, and unite people to build sustainable communities.
Hackathons to solve humanitarian and social problems related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Engineers Without Borders Sweden is approved by the Swedish Fundraising Control as a 90-account organization. As such, our entire operation are monitored on a regular basis and we follow the established rules for fundraising activities. This quality stamp guarantees that at least 75% of the received funds go directly to the intended purpose in accordance with the donor’s wishes and that the organization does not have unreasonable administrative costs.
Become a member
Stand behind our values and join our community of members.
Make a tangible impact by contributing your skills and experience for a greater purpose.
For companies
Make a donation, become a corporate supporter, or get involved in a long-term partnership.