Spotlight on EWB-SWE: A Conversation with Chairperson Malabika Ray

In a recent feature by Equal IT, the spotlight was on Engineers Without Borders Sweden (EWB-SWE), highlighting our volunteer-driven efforts in engineering for humanity. Chair of the EWB-SWE’s Board, Malabika Ray, had been invited to share insights into the our mission and activities.

Malabika passionately articulated the essence of EWB-SWE, emphasizing our commitment to sustainability and our mission to mobilize engineering expertise for the empowerment and resilience of communities, today and in the future. She talked about our focused activities, aimed at building a sustainable future for communities worldwide, and underscored the crucial role that volunteers play in driving our initiatives.

For those interested in learning more about our work or exploring partnership opportunities, visit our website and consider following EWB-SWE on LinkedIn for updates and more information.

Watch the full conversation with Malabika Ray on Equal IT’s YouTube channel, where she provides a richer understanding of our organization's background, focus areas, and the significant contributions of our volunteers.

Equal IT is a mission-driven business supporting organisations globally to recruit inclusive teams through refined talent acquisition complemented by diversity and inclusion consulting.